Issue 120

Midwifery Today Issue 120Theme: Birth and the Microbiome

In recent years, the microbiome has been a hot topic in the world of research. Scientists are realizing its importance in the lifelong health of an individual. Because the details pertaining to birth can have a drastic impact on the microbiome, either positively or negatively, we at Midwifery Today knew that this issue’s topic, “Birth and the Microbiome,” would be of keen interest to our readers. Enjoy the articles within, written by some of the best in the birth field, including Michel Odent, Ina May Gaskin, Sister MorningStar and internationally known herbalist Susun S. Weed.

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Unity: An Elusive but Necessary Goal for US Midwives and Their Advocates

Because our society includes such extremes, the arrival at some measure of unity among self-respecting midwives and those who advocate for them is much more challenging than in many other countries. Even so, I continue to believe that a goal of unity (focused vision) is well worth striving for. Read more…. Unity: An Elusive but Necessary Goal for US Midwives and Their Advocates

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