Mercy In Action’s Diploma in International Midwifery and Maternal/Child Health

Each year hundreds of midwives go overseas or cross borders to attempt to improve the dire crisis of maternity care in developing countries, disaster and war zones, and refugee camps. Some of these efforts have better outcomes than others and foreign aid is often seen by the local people as a mix of help, potential harm, and cultural misunderstandings. One of the biggest concerns we hear is that the well-meaning people who volunteer are not prepared or educated on what local people feel they need and do not take the time to learn about their unique burdens.

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About Author: Jamie Dellesky

Jamie Dellesky is a CPM midwife who has served families around the time of birth since 2000. She has a Bachelor’s in Health Education and is a master trainer in Helping Mothers Survive and Helping Babies Survive courses. After serving with her husband and three sons in the Philippines and Tanzania for over five years, she now lives in Ohio, where she is a homebirth midwife and serves on the academic faculty for Mercy In Action College of Midwifery, as well as facilitating their CEUs and postgraduate diploma program in International Midwifery and Maternal/Child Health.

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