Search Results for: cytotec

Mortalidad materna: La Maternidad Segura se encuentra en el Protagonismo de las Mujeres mismas

La maternidad segura toma en cuenta los derechos humanos de las mujeres, el derecho a decidir sobre sus vidas reproductivas; éste incluye los derechos en el parto, en especial el derecho a la información precisa sobre los riesgos y beneficios de los procedimientos en el parto. La institucionalización del parto es, en Costa Rica, una regla que habrá que revisar para tomar como punto de partida lo más importante: los sentimientos, necesidades y opiniones de las mujeres. Read more…. Mortalidad materna: La Maternidad Segura se encuentra en el Protagonismo de las Mujeres mismas

Teaching Respect for Hands-On Care

One of the greatest challenges before US midwives is teaching the value of hands-on care. Our culture’s love affair with machines, contraptions and gadgets has blinded literally hundreds of millions of people to the importance of human contact, feeling, experience and judgment in maternity care. Read more…. Teaching Respect for Hands-On Care

The Ties that Bind – How Belief Creates Birth Realities

Women believe that birth is a dangerous medical event. The fact is that normal birth is safer than many things we do each day without a thought. Read more…. The Ties that Bind – How Belief Creates Birth Realities

Adverse Events Following Misoprostol Induction of Labor

Off-label use of misoprostol (Cytotec) for labor induction has been steadily increasing for 10 years, even though this use is approved neither by the U.S. [FDA], other national drug regulatory agencies, the pharmaceutical industry, the Cochrane Library nor a number of national obstetric organizations Read more…. Adverse Events Following Misoprostol Induction of Labor

Midwives and Cytotec: A True Story

When the obstetrician said he would use Cytotec, the woman and her husband said they expected he would use prostaglandin gel but he said that he now uses Cytotec, as it is ‘more modern and reliable.’ They were not told Cytotec is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for this purpose… Read more…. Midwives and Cytotec: A True Story

The Battle Is in the Mind

We are mammals. Most mammals birth fine. So what happened to us? We used to birth fine. Women in "primitive" cultures birth fine. What happened to modern women? Read more…. The Battle Is in the Mind

Fetal Demise: Helping a Mother Cope with Her Pain

When I arrived, I immediately scanned the quiet tummy. Lydia watched the screen with a worried expression. I could find no cardiac movement. Finally I put away the probe and moaned, “Lydia, I am so sorry, the baby is gone.” Read more…. Fetal Demise: Helping a Mother Cope with Her Pain

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